Wisdom Tooth Decay – What You Should Do - Pearl Dental

Wisdom Tooth Decay – What You Should Do

Wisdom tooth decay in Bradford

Wisdom Tooth Decay in Bradford – What You Should Do

Cavities are one of the most common reasons for emergency dental visits in the UK. So, if you are like many people around today, chances are that you have had a cavity at least once in your lifetime. While cavities are preventable, they are still very common.

Interestingly, you can get cavities on any one of your teeth, including wisdom teeth. If you have wisdom teeth and wondering what you can do if you have cavities on them, this post will help.

Pearl Dental has put the post together to show you all that you need to know about wisdom tooth decay and how to get Wisdom tooth decay treatment in Bradford. So, keep reading!

First, What Is a Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that typically come in during the late teenage years or early twenties. This set of teeth got the name “wisdom teeth” because of the time they appear in one’s life. They usually show up at an age when people are considered old enough to have gained wisdom.

Wisdom teeth can cause problems if they do not have enough room to grow properly, and they may need to be removed if they cause pain, infection, or other dental problems. In some cases, wisdom teeth may not come in at all, or they may come in fully or partially erupted.

Can You Get Cavities In Your Wisdom Tooth?

Unfortunately, many people don’t think about their wisdom teeth. That might be because most people don’t even have them. But if your question is, ‘can you get cavities in your wisdom tooth?’ the answer is yes.

Like any other teeth, you can also get cavities in your wisdom teeth. Cavities are caused by bacteria that produce acid that can damage the enamel of the tooth, leading to a hole or cavity. This can happen in any tooth, including wisdom teeth.

When most wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to accommodate their fully erupted size, they become impacted. That makes it easier for food to get stuck near it, leaving a breeding ground for bacteria. These bacteria break down the leftover foods and produce acid that gradually erodes the tooth enamel. This could lead to a painful, swollen infection. 

Additionally, cleaning an impacted tooth can be tricky. It is not always easy to reach all the way to the back of the mouth with a toothbrush or piece of floss. And that makes it easier for food to get stuck in those difficult-to-reach places, encouraging bacteria growth and causing cavities.

Getting treatment for Wisdom tooth decay in Bradford

What to Do If You Have Wisdom Tooth Decay in Bradford

When people get cavities on any other tooth, we will most likely recommend filling the cavity to restore the tooth. In some cases, where the cavity is severe, we might even recommend going for a root canal to save the tooth instead of extracting it.

However, with a wisdom tooth, things are a bit different. Even when the tooth does not have cavities, a wisdom tooth that erupted in the wrong position will not be useful anyway. You cannot use them to chew, so they are literarily useless.

That is why dentists often recommend their extraction – even when they are not causing any problems yet. But that doesn’t mean every case of wisdom tooth decay results in extraction. You can schedule an apointment with us to help you decide which way to go. We will examine your wisdom teeth and determine if extraction will be the best option.

Sometimes, we may just need to fill the cavities like any other tooth. That’s why we often recommend that our patients first schedule a check-up with us before they think of what next when they have wisdom tooth decay.

And even if you don’t have cavities yet, it is recommended that you have regular check-ups with your dentist to keep a close eye on your wisdom tooth.

What Other Dental Problems Can You Have With a Wisdom Tooth?

Cavities are not the only problem you can experience with your wisdom teeth. There are some more dental problems you need to look out for. Some of them include:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth: If wisdom teeth do not have enough room to grow in properly, they can become stuck or impacted in the jaw. This can cause pain, infection, and damage to other teeth.
  • Crowding: Wisdom teeth can cause crowding of the other teeth if they do not have enough room to come in properly. This can lead to crooked or overlapping teeth.
  • Gum disease: The gum tissue around wisdom teeth can become inflamed and infected, leading to a condition known as pericoronitis.
  • Cysts and tumors: In rare cases, wisdom teeth can cause cysts or tumors to form in the jawbone.


It is not uncommon to see the debate about whether to keep a wisdom tooth or not. Well, one of the reasons for such debate is the issue of wisdom tooth decay. Like any other tooth, wisdom teeth can also have cavities. And with the way most of them are positioned, there is a high chance of getting cavities.

So, if you have cavities on your wisdom tooth, you should speak to your dentist to determine the best solution. Sometimes, filling the cavities might be enough to restore the tooth. But in most cases, the dentist will recommend removing the tooth.

At Pearl Dental Clinic, we have professional dentists that can help with this type of dental situation. You only need to schedule a visit with us to help us determine what would be the best solution for your case. We have handled various dental emergencies in Bradford, and you can trust us with wisdom tooth decay too.

You can call us on 01274 880178 or use the Contact Us page to schedule an appointment with us. We will be happy to help!
